HippieStitch is my creative outlet....where I post about the things I've made, usually but not limited to crochet or knitting....where the psychedelic and groovy things in my mind taken shape through yarn and stitches....welcome and lots of love :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Winter is Blue

Today I made a Winter Goddess for one of my Systers. I recently received an absolutely gorgeous little felt Goddess from my syster Sabbles, and her blanket stitched were so perfect and beautiful that I wanted to have a go! Below is my felt Goddess. She is deep blue, I embroidered a silver snowflake on her belly and a gold pentagram on her breast. And if you shake her, she makes a gentle rattling sound like wintry raindrops :) my stitches are much sloppier than Sabbles's, but I'm going to keep practicing!

Blessed Be! )O(


  1. That is awesome! A Goddess rattle, what a brill idea.

    1. Yeah I thought dual purpose, a little rainy rattle, and also of course some banishing power cos rattles are good for that. Thank you so much for the inspiration! I wish my stitches were as perfect as yours, I will keep on practising :) xxx
